The Right’s Unnatural Obsession with Sex: Projection, Power, and the Politics of ControlExposing the right-wing’s obsession with sex, gender, and, well, everything they claim to loathe but just can’t stop talking about.17h ago217h ago2
Published inAge of AwarenessAmerican Women: Remember Who the Real Enemy IsThe real enemy of women in the United States isn’t a handful of transgender women. It’s our male-dominated political system.1d ago1d ago
Published inAge of AwarenessThe Tao of Megyn KellyThe Tao of Megyn Kelly, a masterclass in personal branding, selective victimhood, and never fully committing to a cause unless it pays.2d ago12d ago1
Published inThe official pub for FACEDEI Deranged Target Target, Target Targets DEITongue twister meets brain twister, but Target’s balance sheet isn’t hard to figure. DEI isn’t to blame for Target’s financial troubles.Feb 252Feb 252
Published inAge of AwarenessCutting Budgets, Bodies and Brains: A Recipe for DisasterYou can’t cut your way to success. TED talks and CEO podcasts love saying less is more — then you realize “less” leaves you with nothing.Feb 23Feb 23
Published inThe official pub for FACEFebruary 28th’s BLACKOUT: A Talent Power Move Goes Beyond DEIThe rollback of DEI initiatives is a rollback of talent-first management best practices designed to ensure everyone feels safe, valued…Feb 23Feb 23
Published inAge of AwarenessThe Kindle Con: You’re Paying Ownership Prices to Rent Digital BooksAmazon Kindle has quietly redefined what it means to “buy” a book, and spoiler alert: you don’t own squat.Feb 204Feb 204
Published inAge of AwarenessThe Billionaire Who Knows Too Much: Musk’s Grip on Data and InfluenceThe question isn’t whether Musk can see government data. It’s whether the government will need Musk’s data more he needs theirs.Feb 19Feb 19
Published inThe official pub for FACEBlack Excellence: White People Fear the Culture They Can’t Live WithoutThey don’t hate us because the ain’t us. They hate us because they owe us.Feb 1823Feb 1823
Published inThe official pub for FACEDEI Derangement Syndrome: If DEI Can Break You, You Weren’t Built to Win.No, the people most at risk in this rapidly changing society are white men, but it ain’t from DEI.Feb 112Feb 112